Ministry on-line
Let there be light! Exhibition. Eslöv, October 25/10 2013. A light installation/ exhibition in cooperation with the Swedish MOMA (Moderna) built for the first Children Biennial in Sweden. (For children and aiming for up to 70 of age or more). The exhibition used one element to create an experience for the audience: Light. images
Ringwall - Sculpture. Eslöv, September 13, 2013. Sculpture/ installation out of the ARCHIVE-project. In Eslöv the 5 meters long and 27 meter long sculpture was completed in 2 days. (It also became the center of attention of the Eslöv
Culture Night). images
- HopArt - Performance tour in Norrbotten August 1-18 2012. A five jump tour of the biggest rivers in Norrbotten, the tour was arranged by PAiN - Performance Art in Norrbotten.
Jump # 1: 2012-08-01 Edefors, Video - Images. Jump # 2: 2012-08-04 Sikfors, Video - Images. Jump # 3: 2012-08-05 Lassbyn, Video - Images. Jump # 4: 2012-08-17 Bondersbyn, Video - Images. Jump # 5: 2012-08-18 Svanstein, Video - Images.
- HopArt - Performance in London (Serpentine Lake, Hyde Park) July 15, 2012.
- WTC 2012 - World Telekinesis Competition. June 7-30. Seattle WA. (WTC Site).
- Micro paus week 2012. May 21-27. An Annual Social Art Project (started 2009). (Group on Facebook).
- Yulebord (Konsten att duka ett Julbord) - Eslöv Town Museum November 26, 2011 - January 15, 2012. images
- Fource - November 1, 2011 - March 1, 2012 - Gigant LandArt/Light Art Installation using the surrounding landscape and 40 wind turbines at night - video/ images/ site (incl more images) /blog
- The Pier (Piren) - Eslöv, September 9, 2011. Sculpture/ installation out of the ARCHIVE-project. In Eslöv the 23 meter long sculpture was completed in 3 days (It also became the center of attention on regional TV-reports from the Eslöv Culture Night). images /video /press
- WTC 2011 - World Telekinesis Competition. June 18-June 25. Seattle WA. (Official 2011 Site)
- HopArt - Performance in Eslöv (Trollsjön). May 28, 2011. video /images
- Horse Statue - Model building - October 20, 2010. Helsingborg. In accordance with the 200 years anniversary of the Swedish Royal Court. A structural model of a future Horse Statue was built on site outside Dunkers Kulturhus in Helsingborg images
- President of Ladonia Official ceremoni - September 24, 2010. Performance at "Dunkers Kulturhus" in Helsingborg images
- HopArt Performance in Arild. Anniversary performance. Nimis 30 Years. July 31, 2010. (video)
"ArtNews Outdoor" project 2110-2011. Samara, Russia. June 21, 2011. Main exhibition period in major urban citites throughout Russia (outside the dominant art scene in Moscow and St Petersburg) 9-12 months. The project uses outdoor news/poster stands at busstops throughout the region and in the cities involved in the project. The idea is to create a communication between the European Art scene and the Russian audience. ( (video)
- HopArt Performance in Uppsala. Friction International Performance Festival. June 10-13, 2010. images, video, 2nd video
- WTC 2010 - World Telekinesis Competition. June 4-June 25. University of Washington Bothell, Bothell WA. (
- Micro paus week 2010. May 17-21, 2010. An Annual Social Art Project (started 2009) that made it into local and national press, TV and Radio interviews. (Radio, scroll down for link to interview) article.
- Eslöv By The Sea (Archive V) - Spinoza never made it to Eslöv. Part 5 of the art research project "ARCHIVE". November 29 2009 - February 28, 2010. ( images, press
- HopArt in Hammenhög. Performance. Part of the ongoing lifelong tour. September 11, 2009. (
- H2 – “Heaven & Hell”. Thematic exhibition, produced for and together with art-students of Culture School of Eslöv and Eslöv Gymnasium (College Prep.) May 2 – June 7, 2009. video
- WTC 09 - World Telekinesis Competition. Ministry of Casual Living - Victoria (B.C.), Canada.
- State of NovelArt. An independent artist network. An on-line conceptual work of interactive networking. January 14, 2009 (Ongoing). (
- The Boardwalk (ARCHIVE – Eslöv By The Sea). Conceptual Sculpture. A 70 meter long foot-bridge was built through a park. Sallius Park. Eslöv September, 2008. images, video (night), video (daylight), press
- ARCHIVE IV – Eslöv By The Sea part IV. Conceptual Installations - objects, texts. Civic Hall, Eslöv. November 2007. images
- EB07 (Eslöv Biennale 2007) – A Biennale was produced and carried out with about 15 artist and artist groups contributed. All types of art, sound-art, conceptual art and performance was represented on regional, national and international level. Amongst others the first virtual concert in Sweden (AOM from Second Life). An online Biennale-site was produced. Civic Hall in Eslöv, 3-28 November 2007. (images)
- HopArt in Bergkvara. Performance. Part of the ongoing lifelong tour. September 8, 2007. images/ video
- North-American HopArt Tour 2007 – A performance tour in Canada (British Columbia) was conducted in Vancouver, Kelowna and Victoria. Canada June-July 2007. images (suite), Vancouver, Kelowna, Victoria.
- Ladonian Release-party – A Ladonian travelling agency was operating where amongst others the State secretary was issuing passports. It was performed during a so called release-party for the first national band in Ladonian at the release of a DVD ”Live in Ladonia”. The Bistro, Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg, April 2007.
- Support concert for the Salad bar – Performance - A support concert for a Swedish salad bar (Wild n Fresh) was organized and carried out in Gothenburg. The Salad Bar was in a nationally well-known conflict with the union. The conflict was mainly fought in mass media for over two months while the shop and the rest of the mall where the shop was situated was in a blockade. A band performed specially composed music (sampled salad, carrots and onions for example). A spokesperson read a manifesto. Several websites was involved and documents was sent out among different government authorities and media. Gothenburg , feb 2007. (article).
“The Eiffel-tower in Eslöv” – Conceptual sculpture (wood, 8 m.), erected together with pupils at the Eslöv Culture School. The tower had a contextual connection to the ”ARCHIVE” art project. Eslöv, September 2006. images
ARCHIVE - Part III – Music/performance with images from Part I & II (presentation/lecture with backdrop), cooperation with Neurobash that composed instrumental music inspired by the ARCHIVE exhibitions. Eslöv, September 2006 - Canada june/july 2007. images (images, exhibited in Eslöv)
Ladonia 10 years - Produced and arranged a full-day program for the Ladonian anniversary. Artists and musicians were performing. Arild, 29 July 2006.
”Europe2006” (”Europe as colony”). A new colony flag was hoisted in Ladonia. The starting point was a Dutch art project by Maarten Vanden Eynde. Arild May, 2006.
ARCHIVE - Part II – Eslöv By The Sea. The art research project about the unknown history of Eslöv continues. Eslöv as a winter resort. Eslöv 25 February – 2 April, 2006. images
ARCHIVE Part 1 – The floating islands. Sculpture/installation in Trollsjön, Eslöv. A detached part of the indoor exhibition. Three floating sand islands was placed in the little lake Trollsjön. Eslöv 12 June – 30 November 2005. images
ARCHIVE Part 1 – Eslöv By The Sea. Exhibition about a art research project about the unknown history of Eslövs as a summer resort and cultural hub. The exhibition was carried out in an old water tower that was refurnished as an old lighthouse during the exhibition period. Text, photo, installation, soundart. Eslöv 30 july – 21 august, 2005. images - press
- Beach volley & Bikini – Staged performance with 5 acting performers. (In connection with the exhibition, Eslöv By The Sea) Eslöv, 21 August, 2005. images
- Mailboxes. A project specially aimed at the postal service. Three identical second hand mailboxes was put up. Sebbarp, 23 October 2005 – (still running) images
- The Eslöv Biennale (EB05) – produced and curated a ”Biennale” in Eslöv with about 20 artists. The artist represented both traditional and contemporary art within photo, painting, video, performance, sound-art, installation and so on. An online Biennale-site was created. Eslöv 16 – 25 September, 2005. images
- Warhol-replica – Conceptual painting. Warhol made a job in 1979 for BMW and painted a BMW M1. It was repeated by first copying the pattern on a model and then transfered to a real car. The car/painting was exhibited in Eslöv 16 september – 25 september, 2005. images
- "Attention, Please!" Gallery Seiku March – April 8 2005 A co exhibition with Klas Eriksson in Malmoe. Installation and illustrated warning signs, post construction. images
- "Security Zone" (A safe Exhibition) – Co-exhibition with Lars Vilks and Stina Deurell. Frostavallen Höör, Konstrundan i Mittskåne. March 25-28 2005. Performance, sculpture, installation, drawings etcetera. images
- "Screw-drivers". Realized a project by Jason Rhodes included in Hans Ulrich Obrists ”Do It”-project March 12-28 2005. Curator: Martin Schibli Daagarssons-Gården, Lenninge Konstförening
- Light installation, interactive facade lighting at Gallery Frans Suell in Malmoe. November 20 2004 – January 30 2005.
- "What is Art?" Exhibition at the library in Loberod Nov 17 2004 – Jan 16, 2005.
- SILOSILO – A light art project in Eslöv 21 October-21 November 2004. Artist and project leader for an art project that put light on four of Eslovs tallest buildings. (images, documentation video)
- HopArt in Kalmar, Kalmar Museum. August 28, 2004. Performance in accordance with the Kummel Festivalen in Kalmar. images
- HopArt in Ladonia, Arild, July 2004. Performance.
- HopArt Viskafors, Dalslands Museum. Performance in accordance with the grand opening of ”Dalonia”, a vassal state to Ladonia at the Dalsland Museum in Viskafors. May 23, 2004. images
- The Theft. Represented in an exhibition. Conceptual text about swedish state terrorism and the stealing of Ladonian national art treasure. Museum of Moderna Art, Stockholm. May 1, 2004.
- Hot Dog Aesthetics. (Peregrine Falcon Sausage) March 6, 2004, Performance. Gallery Valfisken, Simrishamn
- ”The Elephant is coming". – San Marino, Presidential election and The fall of the suicide bomber”, Gallery Valfisken, Simrishamn. Exhibition together with Lars Vilks. Performance, sculpture, installation, drawings etcetera. March 6 - April 31, 2004 (images)
HopArt (performance) Helsinki, Finland Amorph!03 - Harakka Island Helsinki September 2, 2003. (images, video)
”Embassy” August 31-September 2 2003 - (Re) presentation of Ladonia, The War Against Sweden and Ministry of Art & Jump. ”Amorph!03 - Micro nation summit”. Helsinki, Finland.
HopArt (performance) Göteborgskalaset. Gothenburg August 17 2003.
Hot Dog Aesthetics. Performance. Gothenburg August 16 2003 (first performance). images
”The War against Sweden” - Christinehof Castle, Tomelilla – Coexhibition with Lars Vilks. July 5 – July 31 2003. images
”Eight Senses” Erected a large sculpture together with Lars Vilks, which was part of the project ”Jordstation”– Det goda Rummet III (Earth station – The good room III). Uddevalla June - November 2003.
”CUBE” – (First performance) - Soundart performance – Sirénfestivalen Gothenburg. March 6 2003. images
”Body language” Virtual photo-exhibit (Grand opening of the artist site, predecessor of May 20 2003
”Play, Game and Prophecy”. Museum of conceptual Arts, Borås. May 17- May 31 2003.